Red Queen 2-Book Hardcover Box Set: Red Queen and Glass Sword
by Victoria Aveyard
Results Red Queen 2-Book Hardcover Box Set: Red Queen and Glass Sword
Red Queen 2Book Hardcover Box Set Red Queen ~ This beautiful box set includes the first two books in Victoria Aveyard’s 1 New York Times bestselling Red Queen series Red Queen and Glass Sword Power is a dangerous game Mare Barrow a lowly Red in a world of redblooded laborers and silverblooded elites thought she knew what her future held
Red Queen 9780062310644 Victoria Aveyard Books ~ The 1 New York Times bestselling series Red Queen by 1 New York Times bestselling author Victoria Aveyard is a sweeping tale of power intrigue and betrayal perfect for fans of George Martin’s Game of Thrones series Mare Barrows world is divided by blood—those with common Red blood serve the Silverblooded elite who are gifted with superhuman abilities
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