The Project Manager's Desk Reference
by James P. Lewis
Results The Project Manager's Desk Reference
The Procurement and Supply Managers Desk Reference Fred ~ The Procurement and Supply Managers Desk Reference Fred Sollish John Semanik on FREE shipping on qualifying offers Every supply managers essential desktop tool with indepth authoritative coverage of each topic Leaving no stone unturned in covering all aspects of theprocurement and sourcing functions
The Product Managers Desk Reference 2E ~ Steven Haines is an absolute genius especially when it comes to Product Management I have read all of his 3part series for Product Management and hope to attend one of the Sequent Learning Networks Product Management Training Sessions Haines owns Sequent Learning Networks
Project management Wikipedia ~ Project management is the practice of initiating planning executing controlling and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria at the specified time A project is a temporary endeavor designed to produce a unique product service or result with a defined beginning and end usually timeconstrained and often constrained by funding or staffing
Sourcebook for the WWF Standards Situation Analysis ~ Baseline The existing or initial state in a project which serves as reference point against which changes are measuredtracked and against which progress can be assessed or comparisons made throughout the course of the intervention It is usually expressed quantitatively Also known as Baseline study or baseline survey Baseline survey
Books on Project Management ProjectConnections ~ The Fast Forward MBA in Project Management Eric Verzuh John Wiley Sons 1999 ISBN 0471325465 As with all of the Fast Forward MBA series this book is designed as an onthejob textbook delivering a wealth of project management knowhow to folks with limited time for study
Online Web Based Project Management and Tracking ~ Become a Team Project Manager is a free online webbased team project management application that you use with your web browser The methodology implementation and interface are kept simple to insure that the focus is on managing projects rather than learning a new system
21 Project Management Success Tips Project Smart ~ 21 Project Management Success Tips Karl Wiegers Published on 15 November 2009 under Best Practice Managing software projects is difficult under the best circumstances The project manager must balance competing stakeholder interests against the constraints of limited resources and time everchanging technologies and unachievable demands from unreasonable people
Project management tools and techniques that work A baker ~ Baker E 2010 Project management tools and techniques that work A bakers dozen Paper presented at PMI® Global Congress 2010—North America Washington DC
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The Best Project Management Software 50 Tools for Team ~ The best project management tools help you do all of this in one place Some keep it simple with just your tasks and workflows while others add chat forums invoices expense tracking and more functions for a full picture of your projects